Frequently Asked Questions


What’s on your mind?

  • What can we afford, and should we limit our daughter’s college options to public, in-state schools?

  • I’m not sure my family will qualify for financial aid—which schools offer the best chance of merit scholarships?

  • Is a traditional four year degree the best option for our son, or should we be considering a gap year, community college, or another specialized program as his next step?

  • My daughter has a learning difference—how can we find a college that will best meet her needs?

  • There are so many deadlines! How can I help my teenager stay on track without nagging every day?

Have Other Questions? Contact Us »


Why do I need a college consultant?

The college application process has grown increasingly complex, and most schools do not have the capacity to offer personalized college advising to their students. A qualified consultant can save families time and help students explore a wide variety of options they might never otherwise consider.

How are services delivered?

We serve students exclusively online and work with students from any state, although many of our students are from the state of Texas.

Can you guarantee admission to my dream school?

There are no guarantees. Promises of admission to any one particular college or program should be met with extreme skepticism. However, by partnering with a professional college consultant who will get to know your student’s unique strengths and understand your family’s circumstances, you will maximize the opportunity to find the best financial, academic, and social fit.

Can I afford your services?

We offer a variety of packages and payment options in order to make my services as affordable as possible. College is a huge investment, but by investing in the process itself, we believe you will see dividends you might never have anticipated, including peace of mind, less stress, and the best possible college fit.