Wherever your road may lead, we offer a variety of services to help you get there.

Comprehensive Package

Our goal is to partner with you to help ease the stress of the college application process. Every student has unique needs, and we offer a variety of services customized specifically for each student. The comprehensive package includes up to 30 hours of services, including the following:

  • Personalized college planning portal

  • Free full-length practice standardized tests (SAT, ACT or both)

  • Personality and career inventories to explore potential majors and future career pathways

  • Transcript review and course recommendations

  • If applicable, IEP review and discussion of appropriate accommodations in college

  • Exploration of options for extracurricular activities including community service, internships, summer programs, and employment opportunities

  • College List Development for up to 10 colleges, universities, and/or specialized programs and strategies for application timeline (Early Action, Early Decision, etc.)

  • Resume development

  • Strategies for demonstrating interest

  • College visit planning and post-visit debriefs

  • Application management, including detailed timeline development utilizing online college planning portal (Note: this service is only available in the comprehensive package)

  • Essay coaching (brainstorming and multiple revisions)

  • Review of applications before submission

  • Mock interview if applicable

  • Review of financial aid offers and advice on appeal letters if appropriate

Essentials Package

For families who don’t need or can’t afford the comprehensive package, I will customize up to 15 hours of services from the above list.