Celebrating the Class of 2021!

I am proud to celebrate the tremendous accomplishments of my class of 2021! Despite the enormous challenges of the past year, My College Road students were offered scholarships collectively worth well over $3 million from the following institutions and programs:

Trends During the 2020-2021 Admissions Cycle

It’s difficult to believe that a year ago at this time I was working with my clients as I had in any other year. We were discussing preparation for standardized tests, planning for college visits, and exploring activities that aligned with their goals for college and potential careers. Like any other year, I was touring multiple colleges and looking forward to what would become my final tour of 2020, which included eight universities in and around Washington DC and Maryland. In fact, by the time I boarded my plane home from that last tour, the world was rapidly changing and becoming more frightening each day.

Prioritizing Self-Care during the 2020 Admissions Cycle

During the past several months as we’ve all done our best to adapt to our stressful and unpredictable new world, I continue to stand in awe of the young people with whom I have the privilege of working. What began as a short-term experiment in how to reimagine daily life has stretched into a protracted ordeal with no real end in sight.

Language Learning at Home

Language learning at home one great way for students to pass the time at home. Here are a few free or low-cost options that I’m currently recommending. For younger students, the Austin-based company FabuLingua is now providing its interactive Spanish service for free during this crisis.

Reassessing Priorities in Uncertain Times

This week, like thousands of other parents, I helped my daughter pack up her dorm room and move home months before we had planned. In sharp contrast to the bustling excitement of college move-in day, the dorm was like a ghost town, and the few people we encountered wore masks, gloves, and furrowed brows. Yet even in that sad moment, I realized how fortunate we are in so many ways, and my heart went out to the families still separated through no fault of their own.

Recommended Reading: How To Be a High School Superstar by Cal Newport

When a colleague recommended Cal Newport’s book entitled How to be a High School Superstar, I must admit that I was skeptical. I picked up a copy expecting yet another book promising to reveal the secret formula to getting in to Brand Name University. Since I spend much of my time trying to convince young people and their parents NOT to obsess about the name-game, I was more than pleasantly surprised by Newport’s premise. He argues that most ambitious young people are so over-scheduled that they have virtually no time to develop the kind of deep interests which make them interesting human beings.